greetings from Pastor ELGAN REYNOLDS

Greetings and Salutations in the name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



I am so glad you stopped by our website. We the people of Shoregate United Methodist Church are a welcoming and loving congregation. Here the Word of God is preached and the name of Jesus is lifted up. We are on a mission: “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”, and so we are dedicated to walking with you, nurturing you and helping you as we all take this journey, this Christian journey, to greater discipleship.


As is stated in the Apostle’s Creed, “We believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; the third day He rose from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.”


Our doors are open and you have a personal invitation to visit and worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am.


We look forward to seeing you very soon to praise God together.


Please feel free to contact us at 440-943-0382.



May the peace of God and the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit, rest, rule, and abide with you now and forever. Amen.



Pastor Elgan Reynolds

What's    happening   at   Shoregate??

        MISSION:    To make disciples for Jesus Christ  by helping people find their "song".

  • Pastor  Elgan  Retires!!

    Pastor Elgan Renyolds began his retirement  by giving his last message this past Sunday, June 23rd. We wish him well as he starts his new life's adventure with a lot more leisure time! We will be getting a new pastor, Jan Walsh who's first message will be on Sun. July 7th, followed by Fellowship Time,

    with punch/coffee & sweets after the service. Come and meet Pastor Jan and help us welcome her to Shoregate UMC!!

  • Vacation Bible School

    Our Vacation Bible School was a great success!!

    Just highlight the link below - right click and tap "open link" --

    then click on the "play" button to see a video recap.

  • ---Bible Study---

       -- Saturday Morning  Bible Study --9 am.

    We meet in the library and all are welcome.

    Our last meeting of the season was May 25th.

    "stay tuned" for our August kickoff breakfast info!!!


    Thursday's group meets at 6:30 pm. 


    Please call the office @ 440-943-0382 if you want a study guide or need more information.

    If you can't attend in person, please join by calling in.

    1-667-770-1176  Access Code --340787

    Everyone is welcome!! if you need more info---

    please call the office @ 440-943-0382.  Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes

  • Mid-Week Devotional @ Noon

    via Conference call--all are welcome!

    1-667-770-1176       Access Code 340787

    To energize your week between sundays!

  • ***Worship with us online!***

    Click here to worship with us every Sunday morning at 10:00am. Now streaming LIVE on YouTube & (hopefully) Facebook!! ---we're still working on it!!!---

      (all services are archived for your convenience)

  • Communion-1st Sunday of every month

    If you would like to pick up a communion

     "pod" (both wafer & juice)

    in order to take communion at home, 

    please call the office  440-943-0382

    to schedule pick-up.

    Hours are  Tues: 11am-4pm and Thurs: 9am-2pm.

  • Handbell and Chancel Choirs

    Anyone wanting to join either the handbell

     or chancel choirs-

    please call the office at 440-943-0382

    choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays.

    Handbells at 6:15 pm.-Chancel Choir at 7:30 pm.

  • Mission project!

    SUMC will be supporting the Food Bank at McKinely Outreach Center. It is a Faith Based organization housed in an old elementary school in Willoughby. They help families in the Willoughby Eastlake School district via Food Pantry, Furniture and Clothing Bank, offer hot meals and education classes.

    We will begin to support this Food Bank with monthly donations from our Church-non-perishable items and taxable items. We will collect items the 1st wk of the month. Please call the office 440-943-0382 for a list of suggested items. Thanks for your support!!  Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes

  • Neighborhood Survey

    Please scan the QR Code to the left to take our church's survey.  We are interested in your needs and opinions as our neighbors! This will only take a minute or two. And thanks for responding!!

    Click here if you can't scan the QR code..downarrow

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